Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gingerbread Fun!!!

My son made an adorable Gingerbread House in Kindergarten and wanted to share with his sisters, so off I went to Wegmans on a busy Saturday morning and got all the makings for cute Gingerbread Houses.

We started off by "gluing" graham crackers to the sides of a single serve orange juice carton.  The glue was frosting......which was much better tasting than glue :-)

We were going to let that dry overnight, but they couldn't wait to use the candy I bought, so we made a fence and walkway to the front and back door of the house.   I used the whipped frosting in the can to make the outline and the kids used different kinds of candy.

There was also a lot of this going on....

After drying overnight, the fun part began.  We decorated with chocolate chips, gummies, m&ms, fruit loops, marshmallows and gingerbread man cookies.

The finished products

Super easy to make and the kids had a ball!!!!

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